
The Wilmslow Golf Club

Wilmslow Golf Club

Membership Matrix

Membership Type 7 Day Access to the Course 5 Day Access to the Course Weekend Comps Midweek Comps Access to Practice Facilities Free Practice Balls Social Events Use of the Clubhouse 20% Bar Discount Golfers Insurance County Affiliation Fees Discounted Guest Rate
Full Age 25+
Intermediate Age 18-24
Midweek Mon - Fri

Junior Age 13 - 17

Junior Beginner Age 8 - 12

Introductory Male 6 Month (7-day)*

Introductory Lady  6 Month 
Non - Playing

Practice Ground Only

* Male 6 month introductory 7 day membership does not allow for play in Saturday competitions.

Application Process

Anyone interested in pursuing or applying for membership please download the prospective Membership Information Pack below for further information, and fill in and submit the Membership Application Form.

** Men and Lady Midweek members are able to play in the Tuesday (All Members) Competition.

**Lady Midweek Members are not able to play in the Ladies Wednesday Competitions



Subscription and Fees

Subscription and Fees for April 2024 to Mar 2025 - Subject to change

Category Male



Entry Fee

Irrigation Levy

2024 to 2038

Male Full 35 +



£170 pa

Male Introductory 6 Month (7 Day)*



Male Full Age 30 - 34



£170 pa

Male Midweek



£170 pa

Male Full Age 27-29



£170 pa

Male Full Age 25-26


£500 £170 pa
Male Intermediate Age 22-24 £944

Male Intermediate Age 18-21


Male Junior Age 13-17


Male Junior Beginner Age 8-12


Male Overseas


Male Limited Playing


 Male Country



Male Non-Playing



Practice Ground Member 


Category Lady



Entry Fee

Irrigation Levy

2024 to 2038

Lady Full 35+


0* £170 pa

Lady Introductory 6 Month (7 Day)



Lady Starter Package Apr-Sep  


Lady Full Age 30 - 34 £1,948
0* £170 pa

Lady Midweek 


0* £170 pa

Lady Full Age 27 -29


0* £170 pa
Lady Full Age 25 -26 £1,258
0* £170 pa

Lady Intermediate Age 22 -24


Lady Intermediate Age 18-21


Lady Junior Age 13-17


Lady Junior Beginner Age 8-12


Lady Overseas 


Lady Limited Playing


Lady Country 


Lady Non-Playing 



Practice Ground Member 


Payment Arrangements

All fees may be paid by the normal methods (Cash, Cheque, Card, BACs, but not by AMEX)
The Club also enables the Annual fees to be paid by instalment using the ‘Novuna Credit Ltd.’ scheme. Payment by this method will incur an interest charge and a transaction fee, payments will be made in 10 equal monthly instalments commencing on the 1st April each year. For more information please contact the office.

* Male 6 month introductory 7 day membership does not allow for play in Saturday competitions.

Entrance Fees

An Entry Fee of £3,000 is to be paid at the time of joining for all new Male Full Members aged 35 and above. This payment may be spread over three subscription years. Junior and Intermediate Members should note that there is no Entry Fee whilst maintaining unbroken membership when moving up the categories from below aged 24 up to Full.

*Ladies Entrance Fee is exempt for new members for the remainder of 2024

Irrigation Levy

In October 2024 the Club is embarking on a major renewal of its course irrigation. The funding of this will be over 15 years by all Full and Midweek Members and as such an irrigation levy will be added to all subscription notices for these categories from 2024 up to and including the subscription year starting 1st April 2038. This is a compulsory fixed payment of £170 and is not subject to any subscription increases that occur over the 15 years.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.