Ready to join?
Please complete our Application Form for Membership
Details of your proposed membership will be posted on our noticeboard for fourteen days to allow existing members the opportunity to confirm your suitability, or on very rare occasions, unsuitability.
You and your Proposer and/or Seconder will be contacted by the Membership Committee to arrange a 9 hole Play-in on the course and informal interview afterwards so that they may discuss your application and the options available to you. Based on the Play-in and interview the Membership Committee will decide whether or not to propose your election for membership to the Club Committee.
Your membership application will then be put to the Club’s General Committee for acceptance at their monthly meeting and, assuming that your application is successful, an invoice will be provided detailing the fees required and sent out to you with the start date of your membership – normally the 1st of the month following the Committee Meeting. If you do not know any current members of The Wilmslow Golf Club to propose or second your application please still complete the form and indicate that your application is for 6-Month Temporary Membership.