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Buggy Policy

The Wilmslow Golf Club has a duty of care to all users of the golf course. The topography of certain areas of the course is such that caution and prudence must be shown by the user of a ride-on buggy.

It is therefore recognised that all buggies used at The Wilmslow Golf Club must be those maintained and serviced by The Wilmslow Golf Club. It is also necessary for The Wilmslow Golf Club to provide adequately safe means of access for all golfers including those given permission to use buggies. Moreover, the Club has to ensure the safety of golfers who do not wish to use ride-on buggies but who might be at risk from a mechanically defective ride-on buggy or its careless use. This duty of care also applies to members of the public using the various rights of way through the golf course.

To assist the safe employment of ride-on buggies all potential users (Members, visitors and guests) shall comply with the following conditions:

  • Ride-on buggies must be operated with the utmost courtesy, care and consideration for the safety and convenience of pedestrians. Pedestrians must be afforded the right-of-way at all times.
  • The signs and instructions employed on the course to warn buggy riders of potential danger areas or, areas forbidden to ride-on buggies because of concerns about danger or, the potential to cause unacceptable wear and tear to the course, must be followed at all times.
  • Ride-on buggies must be operated and parked in such a manner that they do not impede or interfere with normal pedestrian or vehicular flow on roadways, ramps or pavements.
  • Ride-on buggy operators will be responsible for the security of ignition keys for the period that the buggy is on the property owned by the Club.
  • The Wilmslow Golf Club has no responsibility for ensuring the safe operation of ride-on buggies on or beyond the confines of the course and the club car-parks other than those operated by their servants or agents. The Club will accept no responsibility for any loss or damage caused to any property other than that arising from the negligent use of a ride-on buggy by their servants or agents.
  • No ride-on buggy will be operated at a speed considered excessive. All speed limits that may be set must be observed.
  • Ride-on buggies shall be used only when the courses are open for play and when no essential buggy prohibition is in force.
  • Ride-on buggies must be operated in compliance with the common ‘rules of the road’ regardless of whether ride-on buggies are operated on pavements or roadways.
  • Operators must stop the buggy at blind intersections and proceed with caution.
  • The Secretary, Courses Manager and Professional has the authority to immediately prohibit any individual from using or being carried on a ride–on buggy. Application for reinstatement of permission can only be made to the Club.

Safe Working Practice

Ride-on buggy operators must not be under the influence of alcoholic drinks or drugs

Children under the age of 18 are not allowed to drive the ride-on buggy.


All operators of ride-on buggies must sign a Buggy Safety Policy Form before they are allowed to drive the buggy

A ride-on buggy shall only be used for the number of occupants it was designed to carry and only by people who are authorised to use one.

In particular, standing on the back of a buggy is expressly forbidden.


Do not move off until the occupants are seated

Always remain seated and hold on while the vehicle is in motion

Hands, feet and head must be kept inside the buggy at all times while the vehicle is in motion

Ride-on buggies must not be driven in prohibited areas

The vehicle must be used to progress the game and must not be driven up and down excessively, e.g., when looking for golf balls

The vehicle must absolutely not be used on tees, greens or the slopes leading up to them

The vehicle may not be driven into heather areas

The vehicle must not be used within two metres of any bunkers, ditches or ponds or slopes leading to them except when using the designated bridges

Check the area behind the vehicle before reversing

Set the parking brake before leaving the vehicle

Always consider the terrain, existing vehicular and pedestrian traffic conditions as well as environmental factors that may affect your ability to operate the vehicle safely:

Drive the vehicle only as fast as the terrain and safety considerations allow

To avoid tipping over, drive the buggy straight up and down severe slopes

Slow down before corners.

All turns must be executed at reduced speeds

Avoid sudden stops or changes of direction that may result in loss of control

Be extra careful when the course is wet and muddy

Do not turn the buggy on the pathway that leads from the 18th green to the 1st tee, all buggys must be turned in the carpark


When returning the buggy, turn the operating key to the off position, engage the parking brake and return the key to The Professional Shop


Due to disability, some members, visitors and guests may not be able to play golf without the help provided by a motorised ride-on buggy. The purpose of the below policy is to establish a standard for the safe operation of all ride-on buggies operated at The Wilmslow Golf Club. The policy also sets down the criteria to be applied and conditions to be met when the Club considers applications for buggy use:

1. Aim of Policy

1.1 This Policy is the Buggy Policy referred to in The Wilmslow Golf Club Course Policy Document. It sets out the circumstances in which golf buggies may be used in general play and events organised and managed by The Wilmslow Golf Club.

1.2 The Wilmslow Golf Club wishes to encourage the participation in golf of all players regardless of disabilities. This Policy is in accordance with The Wilmslow Golf Clubs obligations under the Equality Act 2010.

2. Definitions

2.1 “Disability” shall have the same meaning as the Equality Act 2010. A person has a disability if he/she has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.

2.2 Any reference to “golf buggy” shall include any vehicle deemed to be a golf buggy by The Wilmslow Golf Club Committee.

2.3 Any reference to “Committee” shall refer to The Wilmslow Golf Club Committee which has responsibility for taking a decision on the use of a golf buggy and “member of the Committee” shall be construed accordingly.

2.4 “Valid medical confirmation of disability” shall mean a valid medical certificate from a registered general practitioner or consultant registered with the Health Professions Council that the player or caddie is suffering from a disability.

3. Persons who may use a golf buggy

3.1 It shall be a condition of any competition organised by The Wilmslow Golf Club that players must walk at all times during a stipulated round, unless permitted to use a golf buggy by a member of the Committee, in accordance with this policy. The penalty for a breach of this condition is detailed under the Specimen Condition on page 142 of the English edition of the 2012-15 Rules of Golf as published by R&A Rules Limited.

3.2 A golf buggy may be used by a player or caddie who can provide a valid current medical certificate of disability in accordance with this policy and has requested permission to use a golf buggy by the closing date for any competition they seek to enter or in which they seek to caddie. Where the disability prevents the player from driving the buggy, he/she may nominate a third party to drive the buggy for them who must be approved by the Committee in the event that permission is granted.

3.3 The Committee may not without good reasons refuse a request for permission to use a golf buggy if the criteria in paragraph 3.2 are met.

3.4 Where a player is under the age of 18 years and has met the criteria in paragraph 3.2, above, a member of the Committee shall reserve the right to specify that the golf buggy is driven by another person of that Committee member’s choice, in the event that a person having parental responsibility for the player is unable or not competent or qualified to do so.

3.5 In cases where a member of the Committee or an officer of The Wilmslow Golf Club refuses to permit the use of a golf buggy then they shall inform the player of the decision, the reasons for it, and the right to appeal this refusal to the Appeals Committee in accordance with this Policy.

4. Conditions in which use of a golf buggy may be permitted

4.1 Where a determination is made that the use of a buggy may be permitted by a player or where appropriate a caddie or third party to use a golf buggy, a member of the Committee shall have regard to the following additional health and safety considerations before granting approval:

(a) Any relevant weather conditions;
(b) The topography and ground conditions;
(c) The condition of and suitability of the golf buggy; and
(d) Any other relevant considerations which could impede the safe use of a golf buggy or impact on the safety of others.

4.2 In the event that a member of the Committee or an officer of The Wilmslow Golf Club believes that for reasons of health and safety a golf buggy should not be used by players, caddies or third parties at a particular time he/they may:

(a) Refuse to grant permission for the use of a golf buggy, and shall inform the player, caddie or third party of this decision; or

(b) Revoke any such permission in the event of new health and safety considerations having come to light since the granting of the initial permission to use a golf buggy;

4.3 It will in any event be a requirement of any player, caddie or other third party granted permission to use a buggy to complete and sign a Buggy Consent form in The Professional Shop prior to use.

5. Conditions for use of golf buggies

5.1 A player, caddie or other third party permitted to use a golf buggy must agree to the following terms and conditions of use:
(a) Any person operating a golf buggy must do so with the utmost courtesy, care and consideration for the safety and convenience of others and in accordance with any relevant golf buggy operating guidelines;

(b) The Committee may require that a golf buggy must not exceed walking pace and/or must not have a covered roof;

(c) A golf buggy shall be for the sole use of the player and his/her equipment, unless a member of the Committee has deemed that for reason of age or disability a third party is required to drive the golf buggy;

(d) A golf buggy must not impede or interfere with normal pedestrians or vehicular traffic flow on roadways, ramps and pavements;

(e) A player who has been granted permission to use a golf buggy (or any caddie or other third party who has been permitted to drive the golf buggy) must remain seated in the golf buggy at all times while the vehicle is in motion;

(f) Drivers of golf buggies must comply with directional signs and the detailed map found in the buggy for access to the 1st and 10th tees and not use prohibited areas including public highways and pavements;

(g) A player who has been granted permission to use a golf buggy (or any caddie or other third party who has been permitted to drive the golf buggy) must accept responsibility for any losses or injury sustained as a result of his or her fault whilst using a golf buggy

5.2 Failure to agree to the terms and conditions contained in clause 5.1 by signing a Buggy Policy Consent Form may result in the player, caddie or other third party being denied permission to use a golf buggy.

6. Appeals Procedure

6.1 Any decision by a Committee Member refusing a player or caddie permission to use a golf buggy may be appealed by the player or caddie to the Appeals Committee which shall comprise of three members of The Wilmslow Golf Club Committee.

6.2 An appeal shall be made in writing to the Appeals Committee within 5 working days of the date of the initial decision. Any written appeal request shall also include a statement by the player or caddie of the reasons why he/she is seeking to appeal the decision.

6.3 The Appeals Committee shall make a decision on an appeal and communicate it to the player or caddie within 10 working days of the initial appeal.